Dear Mr. Editor,
I realize this is awful forward of me, but how else will you know me? And worse, how else will I get an answer? I am writing sir, in hopes that you can clear up something for me. My best friend, Cole, says I am a good writer, only no one will ever publish me because I am way too cynical for a girl. I think that is silly, of course, because I AM a girl. Anyway, I have written an article for your paper about how the people in our town are missing their true purposes; ones that are right under their noses. Cole and I are going to help them find it, and I'd like to write more about it as we help them. I send this to you with the hopes you would publish it for me to prove that girls can be just as cynical as boys, and still be a writer. If you don't publish it, I guess I'll have my answer. Thankful that you are smarter than Cole, Autumn |